U.S. COVID-19 Death Toll Reaches 200,000

The COVID-19 pandemic has devastated communities around the country. With outbreaks that have affected the health of all – both vulnerable populations and healthy populations – at an alarming rate. As of Tuesday, September 22nd, 2020 the death toll in the United States reached 200,000. To put this alarming death toll into perspective, more deaths have been caused by COVID-19 in the United States than World War 1 and The Vietnam War combined. 

Preventable Deaths

At the start of the pandemic, lack of federal leadership from President Trump and his Republican allies in Congress, left many states to fend for themselves. This caused slow testing, a shortage of personal protective equipment for frontline workers, and uncontrollable outbreaks in already struggling and vulnerable cities. The President lied and hid information about the virus, even when he had scientific evidence of its severity early on, and put the American people on the frontlines without adequate support or protection. This lack of leadership has led to and is continuing to cause countless preventable deaths around the Country.

Even on a global level, the United States is not faring COVID-19 well. Although the U.S. makes up only 4% of the world’s population, its death toll accounts for over 20% of the world’s deaths – and that number continues to grow.

Misinformation & Politicization

Ego, misinformation and politicization of COVID-19 has added fuel to the fire of preventable deaths. From the top, President Trump has made this virus a partisan issue. He’s fought states, particularly those with Democratic leaders, as they implemented stay-at-home orders to protect their citizens, and in the same breath praised states with Republican leadership as they experienced a wave of outbreaks.

The President and his Republican allies in Congress have used the virus to push partisan policies and legislation. For example, they prevented adequate funding from being allocated to schools and teachers so that a safe re-opening and virtual learning plan could be supported. Instead refusing to even vote on a bill that would increase funding to schools.

Instead of fighting the virus as a Country, equipped with all of the scientific information at hand, politics and misinformation has gotten in the way. Every new suggestion to help combat the virus and keep our communities safe – from stay-at-home orders to mask wearing – has been politicized. The misinformation has directly caused preventable COVID-19 cases and deaths.

The Importance of Quality Health Care

The COVID-19 pandemic has shined a light on the importance of providing quality and affordable health care to the American people. This election will shape access to health care – from ensuring the Affordable Care Act is expanded to strengthening and protecting Medicare. With the pandemic also leaving many with lasting health conditions, Americans want peace of mind that they will not be denied health care based on pre-existing conditions.

The high cost of health care has to change if we want working families and middle-class communities to get ahead in this volatile economy. Lowering the cost of prescription drugs, ensuring health care premiums are affordable, and ensuring copays and deductibles don’t break the bank are all key actions to ensuring the health of Americans is top of mind.

This virus has shown that we can no longer wait to improve health care options in our communities. We need to act now to ensure all Americans have access to affordable, quality health care.

A Vaccine Is Imperative

As we continue to tackle COVID-19 in the United States, a vaccine that is widely available and administered is imperative. Over 40 different vaccines are currently in the clinical trials phase, which means they are being tested on humans. With nine of the trials in phase 3, or the final phase of the trial before approval.

A COVID-19 death toll of 200,000 American citizens is a tragedy that was avoidable. To support the American people as this virus continues to devastate communities, we need clear scientific information, adequate federal funding, and long-term health care support.

Here’s a related video from a national doctors group:

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