Meet Padma Kuppa: Michigan State Representative of District 41

Padma Kuppa is State Representative of Michigan’s 41st district, representing Clawson and Troy.

Padma is dedicated to creating quality and well-paying jobs in Michigan. She believes that families should be able to make a living wage without spending their entire lives working. She saw a need to protect Michigan workers during her first term in office, and sponsored a bill that would expand access to increased paid sick leave to 1.7 Million Michiganders who didn’t qualify before.

She also cares deeply about protecting Michigan’s precious natural resources. Specifically Michigan’s Great Lakes, which make up 20% of the world’s freshwater. She believes that it is a human right for all Michigan citizens to have access to clean and safe drinking water. She is a member of the Energy Committee advocating to protect Michigan’s environment and reduce the impact of climate change.

Padma is also an affordable healthcare advocate. She believes that all Michiganders deserve access to quality and affordable healthcare, and that no citizen should be denied access to insurance based on pre-existing conditions. She worked to introduce bills during her first term that would protect those with preexisting conditions under the Healthy Michigan bill package.

Former Clawson Mayor, Penny Luebs, a long time friend and supporter of Padma’s shared, “She’s easy to talk to. She will listen to your concerns. She’s interested in your suggestions and she will follow through.”

Padma cares deeply about her community and hasn’t ever been afraid to roll up her sleeves to get to work protecting the rights of Michigan citizens.

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