Meet Julia Pulver: State Representative Candidate of Michigan’s 39th District

Julia Pulver, RN, West Bloomfield resident, mom of four, and healthcare advocate is State Representative candidate of Michigan’s 39th District.

A champion of affordable healthcare and effective public health, Julia has dedicated her career to healthcare advocacy. From patient care to public health reform, Julia has rolled up her sleeves for over a decade to fight against an unjust healthcare delivery system. She is a proponent of universal healthcare for all. She believes that any holes in our public health system put everyone at risk, which has especially shown to be true during the COVID-19 pandemic. She also believes that healthcare in Michigan must be based on our people, not on profit.

During her career as an RN, she has stood up against laws that hurt patients by acting as a patient advocate. She believes that the cornerstone of nursing is patient advocacy, and that reform is needed to ensure that Michigan families can get the healthcare they need without being faced with poverty and other lasting hardships.

Her motivation to fight for healthcare reform is simple, she shared “I would be proudest looking back on my life and knowing that I did everything I could to make sure people lived longer, healthier lives without having to lose everything just to stay alive.”

Another area of advocacy she is passionate about, which goes hand in hand with public health reform, is clean water. A topic that especially hits close to home in Michigan and in District 39. She believes that polluters need to be held accountable for the destruction they cause, and will fight to ensure our waterways are kept clean. She also believes that big strides need to be taken now to combat climate change, including fighting against PFAS contamination in Michigan waterways.

Mary Brady-Enerson, Clean Water Action Michigan Director supports Julia, sharing “As a nurse, Julia has seen the effects of lax environmental laws on public health first hand. She understands the necessity of protecting our lakes, rivers, and streams, and ensuring that every Michigan resident has access to affordable and clean drinking water.”

Julia’s driving force is her family. She shares four children Nora (13), Sadie, (11), Avery (10) and Alice (7), with her husband Ben. She’s focussed on creating big change and a lasting legacy in Michigan, and is ready to fight against big issues like health care inequities, systemic racism, public education funding reform and much more to make Michigan a better, fairer place for all.

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