Representative Reggie Miller: Ban Radioactive Waste Dumping

VAN BUREN, TWP. — Representative Reggie Miller held a press conference calling for the banning of radioactive waste in western Wayne county. Calling her press conference the “Not Your Dumping Ground: Keeping Michigan Clean & Safe”, Representative Miller announced recently introduced legislation, House Bill 5923, that would ban the dumping of radioactive waste in Michigan.

The legislation was modeled after a New York state law that enacted a similar ban on radioactive waste. According to a press release from the Office of New York Governor Kathy Hochul: “Governor Hochul signed the “Save the Hudson” bill (A7208/S6893), which prohibits dumping radioactive waste from decommissioning nuclear plants into the Hudson River. The legislation passed both the Assembly and Senate (unanimously) in June.

The legislation is expected to stop Holtec International’s planned dump of more than one million gallons of toxic radioactive wastewater from the Indian Point site into the Hudson River. That waste contains toxic contaminants, including radioactive tritium, exposure to which is linked to cancer, miscarriages, genetic defects and other adverse health effects. The dump was planned for as early as September, after public opposition successfully delayed a May release date.”

“This legislation will ban radioactive waste dumping in Michigan to protect the health and safety of our residents. Our beautiful state is not a dumping ground. My constituents have told me again and again that they are worried and angry that radioactive materials from three states away are coming to their backyards,” Miller said. “Let’s continue Michigan’s legacy as an environmental steward and protect our farms and lakes from dangerous pollution for generations to come.”


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